Category: Technical Articles


Git is an open-source version control system and a command-line tool, it is used by programmers, developers, and designers to store projects and keep track of changes to their files. is the website where developers can store their projects. Some basic git command is mentioned below: git clone /path/to/repository This command is used to


How to use Textacular Gem to search data in your Rails Application

We might have heard about a lot many gems which let us implement search functionality in our rails application; for example: searchkick, elasticsearch-rails, ransack and finally, sunspot to work with solr search engine. All these gems have their own advantages. Both searchkick and elasticsearch use redis to search the data as well as need to

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Decent Exposure Gem – Goodbye to repeating instance variables

Introduction Github: Decent Exposure Gem Decent Exposure allows us to create exposed variables that can be used across the controller’s actions instead repeating instance variables. Exposed variables are accessible from views as well and memorize the resultant values. In other words, it is a helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers. Some Points Improving encapsulation

Decent Exposure Gem – Goodbye to repeating instance variables Read More »